AE - Adult education
European Project
Strategic Partnerships in the field of adult learning

CommuniCare – Communication as a useful tool for caregivers in longterm care for elderly

The COMMUNICARE project is based on the EQF guidelines of Long-Term Care services and is aimed at all caregivers and professionals working in elderly care in order to improve their quality of life and contribute to the development of the LCT system throughthe increasing of relation and communication skills.


1. to train informal and non-formal caregivers working in long-term care services through new communication and relation skills
2. to improve the quality of life of the elderly and the quality of work of caregivers
3. to develop the COMMUNICAREplatform that can offer useful methodologies and tools to enhance and improve relationship communication in working with the elderly


Lorenza Lupini


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    2025 © Cooperativa Sociale COOSS MARCHE ONLUS SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA PER AZIONI  —  Sede legale: Via Saffi, 4 - 60121 Ancona (AN)
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