COOSS promotes the potential of each person and knows how to recognize the value of their experiences, knowledge and skills.
Through its Guidance and Employment Desk, COOSS provides the community with a network of services to orient and accompany people in the definition of a tailored training and professional project.
Thanks to its accreditation as Employment Services Agency*, COOSS guarantees the provision of services targeted to the needs of different typologies of users:
- Services to people
- Reception – Information – Drafting Curriculum Vitae
- Guidance counseling for training and/or employment
- Job offer/demand matching
- Relations with the Public Network
2. Services to companies and employers
- Promotion and scouting
- Information and access to services
- Counseling
- Job offer/demand matching
The service also acts as:
- Information point for the Civil Service
- Regional contact point for the “GOL Program,” in partnership with WWWY4Y – WE WORK WITH YOU FOR YOU (ATS for active labor policies program)
[*Marche Region Decree No. 380/SIM dated 08/18/2014 (Headquarters 1, ANCONA) and Decree No. 269/SIM dated 04/06/2015 (Headquarters 2 SAN BENEDETTO DEL TRONTO)]