AiCare is an innovative start-up that aims to improve the accessibility of integrated social and healthcare solutions at home.


Aicare Srl is an Innovative StartUp with Social Vocation established in November 2016, with COOSS participation. The company aims to improve the Accessibility to Integrated Home Health and Social Care Solutions.

It aims to strengthen the role of the homecare nurse, making him/her the single point of reference between the elderly users and their families. It also aims to make the service provider a key manager. In a phase of great transformations in the world of care, the relationship between caregiver and cared for becomes crucial, and Aicare provides the necessary instrumentation and training to update the nurses technological and organizational skills, necessary to become a driver of this change.

Aicare Srl, thinks integrated solutions combining various person-centred aspects such as: Social, Technology, Diagnostics, Healthcare.

The whole path for each solution has been developed by integrating technological tools with its own software platform. In this way, it will be more easy for the user to access directly from their home. The business focus is in home management of the chronic/multi-chronic older user.

AiCare works on 4 sectoral Macro Areas:

  • Ai-Heart
  • Ai-Diabetes
  • Ai-Bpco
  • Ai-Mind
  • It has a fifth area, Ai-Home, under development.

All user-centered packages are designed to be made available to both the End User and the Practitioner (individual nurse) or Associate (Company, Social Cooperative etc) as a Complete Turnkey Solution. The user is at the center of every solution. Service Providers, and Coorporate or Public Entity customers are also offered the entire On-line advertising campaign included in the service.

Specifically, the operator is able to offer to the end user at home both individual services and an integrated solution, consisting of the usual services offered by the structure (i.e. Social cooperative) and services offered by third parties such as doctors, diagnostic health care, solutions previously integrated in the Aicare platform.

The first package was launched on the market in July 2017 and concerns the Ai-Hearth area – Integrated Home Care for users with Heart Failure (Tele-assistance + Nursing Visit).

It is a service comprising:

A device kit provided to the user, and a device kit for the nurse
Weekly nursing visit at home with sampling of medical parameters shared in real time with the doctor
User’s daily self-monitoring protocol
Integral platform with documentation archived and accessible online for all actors involved


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    2025 © Cooperativa Sociale COOSS MARCHE ONLUS SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA PER AZIONI  —  Sede legale: Via Saffi, 4 - 60121 Ancona (AN)
    Registro Imprese, Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA 00459560421  —  Iscrizione R.E.A. AN - 80813  —  Capitale Sociale Euro 8.591.871 di cui Euro 6.190.876 versati