Private home care with the highest professionalism and quality. Pronto COOSS is the new territorial service of Cooss for home care and assistance.

Pronto COOSS

Pronto COOSS is a private homecare service that provides personal care and assistance to those who request it, through the dedicated toll-free Hotline.

This service was created to better respond to the demands of an area, the Marche region, where more and more families are experiencing the need to keep their loved ones in their usual living context, supported in their daily lives by professional caregivers, OSS (Socio-Sanitary Operator), professional nurses and psychologists.

The service coordination staff listens carefully to the requests, performs a professional assessment of the case, makes a home visit and implements the correct client-worker pairing, assigning to the user those professionals able to guarantee the necessary empathy and human closeness.

The strength of the Pronto COOSS service, in addition to the timeliness of intervention, is its capability of listening to the needs of the person and adopt the better solution to meet them.

The Pronto COOSS service is available in the following areas:

  1. Ancona
  2. Fano
  3. Jesi
  4. Matelica
  5. Fermo
  6. San Benedetto
Fill out the form below to request information about COOSS Structures Private home care with the highest professionalism and quality. Pronto COOSS is the new territorial service of Cooss for home care and assistance.

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    2025 © Cooperativa Sociale COOSS MARCHE ONLUS SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA PER AZIONI  —  Sede legale: Via Saffi, 4 - 60121 Ancona (AN)
    Registro Imprese, Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA 00459560421  —  Iscrizione R.E.A. AN - 80813  —  Capitale Sociale Euro 8.591.871 di cui Euro 6.190.876 versati