COOSS believes in the value of difference and inclusion. This is why we are committed to providing services aimed at the autonomy and integration of individuals and groups in the local community.


Cooss is committed in the provision of services aimed at the inclusion and integration of individuals in the local community. This is not mere welfarism, but the will to enhance the potential of migrants, to prevent risks of exclusion and to promote their active participation.

To achieve these important goals, COOSS provides housing services, i.e. apartments for asylum seekers and refugees, and educational initiatives, as Italian language courses and vocational training projects, with the aim to foster social inclusion and job placement.

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    2025 © Cooperativa Sociale COOSS MARCHE ONLUS SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA PER AZIONI  —  Sede legale: Via Saffi, 4 - 60121 Ancona (AN)
    Registro Imprese, Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA 00459560421  —  Iscrizione R.E.A. AN - 80813  —  Capitale Sociale Euro 8.591.871 di cui Euro 6.190.876 versati