COOSS knows that dreaming of a better future requires care and dedication to our children’s present. That is why we provide nurseries and play spaces to accompany the growth of our youngest children.


COOSS designs and manages the following services to children:

  • Kindergartens for children aged 3-36 months, within welcoming and functional spaces where our operators accompany the growth and psycho-emotional development of the little guests;
  • Montessori pedagogically oriented kindergartens, in collaboration with the Consortia of the territories of the Region: we create the places and conditions that allow our staff to interpret and respect the rhythm and needs of each child;
  • Innovative services and interventions concerted with the territory, users and their families, provided in play spaces where the children can live joyful experiences aimed at the pleasure of discovering and learning.
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    2025 © Cooperativa Sociale COOSS MARCHE ONLUS SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA PER AZIONI  —  Sede legale: Via Saffi, 4 - 60121 Ancona (AN)
    Registro Imprese, Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA 00459560421  —  Iscrizione R.E.A. AN - 80813  —  Capitale Sociale Euro 8.591.871 di cui Euro 6.190.876 versati